ISACA Introduces 2023-2024 Board of Directors

John De Santis
Author: ISACA
Date Published: 26 July 2023


Schaumburg, IL, USA—全球数字信任协会ISACA今天发布了其2023-2024年董事会. Bringing deep tech, finance and business expertise and a strong global perspective, 董事会——包括三名新董事和ISACA首席执行官埃里克·普鲁奇——将由新任董事会主席约翰·德桑蒂斯掌舵, 他是ISACA的前副主席,也是一位在软件领域拥有30多年经验的技术高管, networking and information security.

德桑蒂斯是一名科技高管,曾任HyTrust董事长兼首席执行官, 这是一家IT基础设施安全软件公司,于2021年1月被委托收购. A company-builder based in New Hampshire, USA, 他在国际和美国拥有超过30年的经验,在风险投资支持的科技初创澳门赌场官方下载以及电信和IT领域的大型全球上市公司工作. 他目前在sequence Security和ValiMail的受托人委员会任职, leading innovators in the cybersecurity space.

在加入HyTrust之前,他曾担任VMware的云服务副总裁、董事长 & CEO of TriCipher, and entrepreneur-in-residence at Trident Capital, and CEO at Sygate Technologies, 他们在那里开发了赛门铁克澳门赌场官方下载端点保护套件的技术基础. In his earlier experience, he led European operations for various software, hardware and telecom networking companies, 他还共同创立并领导了一家初创公司,该公司为IBM大型机构建了第一个光纤网络功能.

“Our community faces challenges each day, 包括跟上快速迭代的新兴技术. 我致力于推进ISACA的使命,使数字信托专业人员能够应对这些挑战,并在这个新时代重新调整成功,” says De Santis. “ISACA最近宣布了新的首席执行官,这是我担任董事会主席的一个特别有希望的时刻, Erik Prusch. 我期待着支持他和我们敬业的员工团队推进我们的专业澳门赌场官方下载.”

接替ISACA董事会副主席一职的是布伦南. Baybeck, SVP & CISO for Customer Success Services at Oracle Corporation. Baybeck has more than 30 years of experience in IT security, governance, risk, audit and consulting, and has worked in various industries designing, 实施和操作澳门赌场官方下载范围内的计划,以解决全球安全风险. He has held other leadership positions at Sun Microsystems, StorageTek and Qwest Communications, 并在一家全球咨询公司担任了几年的安全风险咨询总监. Baybeck is also a long-time ISACA volunteer, 担任分会董事会主席超过13年,并于2019-2020年担任ISACA董事会主席.

三名新董事加入ISACA董事会,任期为2023- 2024年——stephen Gilfus, Jason Lau and Massimo Migliuolo. Gilfus, based in the US, is general partner of Oversight Ventures, an education and workforce investment firm (cybersecurity, AI, IT, safety, and risk), chairman of the Gilfus Education Group, a boutique management consulting firm, 也是Blackboard Inc .的创始人和业务架构师之一., a global eLearning software, technology, and infrastructure company; he has more than 25 years of experience supporting mission-based organizations in governance, leadership, management, operations, and scalable growth mechanisms. Lau, who splits his time between Singapore and Hong Kong, is chief information security officer at and contributor to the World Economic Forum expert network. 他在财富500强公司的管理咨询领域拥有超过23年的咨询经验, cybersecurity, IT governance, privacy and risk management, 此前曾在微软担任高级网络安全领导职务. Migliuolo, who splits his time between Malaysia and Switzerland, is executive chairman at Intuin, a digital transformation advisory firm, and previously served in leadership roles at Telekom Malaysia and Cisco Systems; in addition to being an experienced technology sector CEO, 他是三家新公司的投资者和创始人,还有他的儿子们.

In total, 在布拉格举行的ISACA年度大会上,以下13位领导人被任命为2023-2024年ISACA董事会成员:

  • John De SantisHyTrust, Inc .的董事长、技术执行官和前董事长兼首席执行官.
  • Brennan P. Baybeck, CISA, CISM, CRISC, CISSP, Vice Chair, and 2019-2020 board chair; SVP & CISO for Customer Success Services, Oracle Corporation
  • Stephen Gilfus, Director; general partner at Oversight Ventures
  • Niel Harper, CISA, CRISC, CDPSE, CISSP, Director; technology and cybersecurity executive and past CISO at UNOPS
  • Gabriela Hernandez-Cardoso, Director; social entrepreneur and past president and CEO of GE Mexico
  • Jason Lau, CDPSE, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC, CISSP, HCISPP, CEH, FIP, CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT; Director; chief information security officer at
  • Massimo Migliuolo, Director; executive chairman, Intuin
  • Maureen O’Connell, DC, Director; finance and education executive
  • Asaf Weisberg, CSX-P, CISM, CRISC, CISA, CDPSE, CGEIT, Director; founder and CEO of introSight
  • Pamela Nigro, CISA, CRISC, CGEIT, CRMA, Director and 2022-2023 board chair; vice president of security and security officer, Medecision
  • Greg Touhill, CISM, CISSP, Brigadier General, USAF (ret), Director and 2021-2022 board chair; director of the CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute
  • Tracey Dedrick, Director and 2020-2021 board chair; former chief risk officer, experienced in risk, compliance, treasury, and investor relations
  • Erik Prusch, Director and ISACA CEO

“这是一个激动人心的时刻,我们欢迎ISACA的新董事会——来自世界各地的才华横溢的领导者,他们拥有无与伦比的经验,致力于推动数字信托行业的发展,为我们的全球澳门赌场官方下载服务,” said Prusch. “我很荣幸能与约翰和董事会的其他成员密切合作,推进我们的战略重点,推动进一步的创新,为专业人士和澳门赌场官方下载提供知识, tools, and connections for each stage of their journeys.”

阅读ISACA董事会主席John De Santis的博客文章,请点击 here, and access board member bios at


ISACA® (是一个推动个人和组织追求数字信任的全球澳门赌场官方下载. For more than 50 years, ISACA为个人和澳门赌场官方下载提供了相关知识, credentials, education, training and community to progress their careers, transform their organizations, and build a more trusted and ethical digital world. ISACA是一个全球性的专业协会和学习型组织,它利用了170多个澳门赌场官方软件的专业知识,在信息安全等数字信任领域工作的000名澳门赌场官方软件, governance, assurance, risk, privacy and quality. 它在188个国家设有分支机构,在全球设有225个分会. Through its foundation One In Tech, ISACA为资源不足和代表性不足的澳门赌场官方下载提供信息技术教育和职业发展途径.


Media Contacts
Emily Ayala, +1.847.660.5512
Bridget Drufke, +1.847.660.5554